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Rusthall St Paul’s CE Primary School








At Rusthall St. Paul’s we aim for our pupils to develop an interest in and a curiosity about their surroundings. Children will be able to use a range of geographical skills, including map and field work, to answer questions increasing their knowledge and understanding of place in a local, regional, national, international and global context. Pupils will develop knowledge and understanding of the physical and human elements of geography. Children will explore relevant case studies to increase their knowledge of other cultures and, in so doing, teach respect and understanding of what it means to be a positive citizen in a multi-cultural country. They will start with their locality in year 1 and build on their sense of self and place in the wider world as they progress throughout the school. Our curriculum covers geography locally and globally developing a sense of responsibility for the environment and for the people in the world we live.


We believe our children will benefit from experiencing enhancement activities and trips within the geography curriculum and aim to offer these for most of our units.  Teachers will place high importance on the acquisition of geographical vocabulary in order to promote better understanding.





Year 1


A local study – Rusthall and its place in the wider world

Case study: Kenya and a comparison with England.

Year 2


A local study – Rusthall and its place in the wider world

Case study: Kenya and a comparison with England.

Year 3 and 4


Case study: Earthquakes and Volcanoes (Italy)


Year 5


Case study: Kent

Counties and cities


Year 6


Case study: Rainforests (North and South America)

Case study: London and the River Thames