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Rusthall St Paul’s CE Primary School







Art and Design

At Rusthall St Paul’s, we value Art and Design as an integral part of the children’s entitlement to a broad and balanced curriculum. It provides children with opportunities to develop their creativity and express their individual interests, thoughts and ideas.

At Rusthall St Paul’s, children will develop proficiency in drawing, painting, understanding colour and shade and sculpture. They will have opportunities to explore ideas, develop their skills and invent and create their own works of Art and Design. Children will be taught to evaluate and analyse creative works using the language of art, craft and design. Our curriculum ensures children know about great artists, craft makers and designers, and understand the historical and cultural development of their art forms. We believe it is important for children to be able to showcase their own works of Art and Design, through holding Art galleries and events for children’s achievements to be celebrated.

We believe our children will benefit from experiencing enhancement activities and trips within the Art and Design curriculum and aim to offer these regularly throughout the school.  Teachers will place high importance on the acquisition of vocabulary related to Art and Design in order to promote better understanding.


  Autumn Spring Summer

Year 1

Painting and drawing 

Mechanisms - Wheels and axels

Mechanisms - Levers and sliders


Printing & Textiles

Nutrition & Cooking

Year 2

Painting and drawing

Mechanisms - Wheels and axels

Mechanisms - Levers and sliders


Printing & Textiles

Nutrition & Cooking

Year 3

Drawing & Painting

Electrical Systems



Sculpture & Collage

Nutrition & Cooking

Year 4

Drawing & Painting

Electrical Systems



Sculpture & Collage

Nutrition & Cooking

Year 5

Painting and drawing



Clay (Modroc)

Year 6

Batik and sculpture with  study  of a designer




