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Rusthall St Paul’s CE Primary School







Modern Foreign Languages

To enable the children at Rusthall St Paul’s School to celebrate and welcome differences in our world it is vital they have an understanding of different languages and countries.  By introducing and exposing our children to this they will have a deepened ability to show respect and play a valuable part in our global society. To achieve this we aim, though our MFL curriculum, to inspire a love of language as part of their lifelong journey of learning.

At Rusthall St Paul's our intent for our MFL curriculum is to have clear progression in the understanding of French through the school. We currently have no specialist language teachers in school so all teachers will be given support in understanding the vision and following our curriculum. Children in school generally have little exposure to French outside of school so we need to begin with the basics.

We aim to develop an interest in other languages in a way that is enjoyable and stimulating – encouraging confidence and creative skills. We want to stimulate children’s curiosity about language, culture and the world while laying the foundations for future language learning through opportunities for listening, speaking, reading and writing skills.

  Term 1 Term 2 Term 3 Term 4 Term 5

Moi (All about me)

On fait la fête (Celebrations) Portraits Les quatre amiss (the four friends) Ca pousee! (Growing things)

On y va! (All aboard)

L'argent de poche (Pocket money) Racone-moi une histoire (Tell me a story) Viv le sport! (Our sporting lives) Le Carnaval Animaux (The Carnival of the Animals)
Y5 Bon appétit, bonner ante (Healthy eating) Les planets (The planets) Je suis le musician (I am the music man) En route pour l'ecole (On the way to school) Le retour du printemps (The return of spring)
Y6 Note ecole (Our school) Notre mondeo (The world around us) Le passe et le present (Then and now) Ici et la (Out and about) Monter un café (Setting up a café)